Ontario Private Investigator Course
Need your Ontario Private Investigator License? Security Guard Training Canada is pleased to present this Ontario Private Investigator course online that is 100% compliant with Ministry requirements and designed to prepare you for passing the provincial exam so you can start working as soon as possible in this exciting career.
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Read our Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Private Investigator In Ontario
This specialized 50-hour online Ontario private investigator course meets and exceeds the syllabus requirements of the Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General.
It is delivered 100% online and has been updated recently to reflect the latest changes in relevant legislation.
Upon signing up, our Private Investigator students receive a comprehensive practice test to complete at their own pace to further prepare them for the provincial exam.
As a private investigator in Ontario, you will have to deal with challenging situations which will require proficient training to be able to handle them.
We offer a comprehensive private investigator program that is aligned with the Ontario Ministry’s 50-hour syllabus and meets Ministry requirements.
Our curriculum will also give you all the practical tools and training you need to be successful.
How Do You Get Your Ontario Private Investigator Licence?
Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 |
Check to make sure you meet the basic requirements for the licence | Complete our Ontario Private Investigator training course | Pass your proctored government exam | Apply for your licence as a Private Investigator |
Read our comprehensive guide to Becoming A Private Investigator in Ontario for more info.
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Course prerequisites
To be eligible for a private investigator licence, all individuals must:
- have completed the required training and testing
- be at least 18 years old
- possess a clean criminal record, according to the Clean Criminal Record regulation (note: not all criminal charges or convictions will prevent a person from obtaining a private investigator licence – see below for more information on the Clean Criminal Record regulation)
- be legally entitled to work in Canada
People who apply for a private investigator licence will be required to show proof that they meet all of these requirements.
Eligibility to hold a licence – criminal record check
This regulation lists a series of criminal offences which are prescribed under the PSISA.
Persons who have been convicted of one of these offences and have not received a pardon are not eligible for a private investigator licence, and any application they submit cannot be processed.
Persons who have been convicted of or charged with an offence that does not appear in this regulation may be eligible for a licence. The Private Security and Investigative Services Branch (PSISB) will need to review their file to determine if any restrictions should apply. The applicant may be allowed to be heard to discuss their case.
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Why Take Our Course?
Our in-depth Ontario private investigator course exceeds the syllabus requirements of the Ministry of the Solicitor General. The 50-hour course is delivered completely online and has been designed to help prepare students to take the Ministry’s provincial exam.
Consisting of eight modules, the course will teach key lessons that all students should be familiar with to carry out their duties as private investigators per the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005 (PSISA).
Upon completion of our Private Investigator license course, students will have a solid foundation to begin a career in investigations and can be employed by a private investigation business or private investigator agency.
What types of jobs can you get with a private investigator licence?
When you are a licensed private investigator there are a variety of jobs that you will be able to pursue. The official descriptions of what your license allows you to investigate include:
- The character or actions of a person
- A person’s business or occupation
- The location of a person or property
Ontario Private Investigator Course Syllabus
The training syllabus (either online or in a classroom) is set by the Ontario Ministry of The Solicitor General. This is a 50-hour mandatory Ontario private investigator course that prepares you to write (and successfully pass) the private investigator exam required by the Province of Ontario.
Module | Description |
Introduction | Welcome And Login Instructions |
Module 1 | Introduction to the private investigation industry |
Module 2 | The Private Security and Investigative Services Act |
Module 3 | Provincial and federal statutes |
Module 4 | Criminal and civil law |
Module 5 | Investigative techniques |
Module 6 | Principles of ethical reasoning and decision-making |
Module 7 | Key principles of communication and interaction |
Module 8 | Self-management skills |
Next Steps | Exam Registration And Next Steps |
The lessons in the Private Investigator course will cover a variety of topics, teaching students the legalities and practical knowledge they need to be an investigator. Below you will find a brief overview of the topics that are covered in our program.
Introduction to the Private Investigator Course and Government Testing Requirements/Procedures
This lesson is designed to prepare aspiring private investigators for the Ministry’s mandatory exam. It will outline key areas that you should be familiar with to pass the exam.
Introduction to the Private Investigation Business
This lesson offers a brief history of the investigation industry and what private investigators can expect in Ontario.
Learning about the history of the private investigator business will help you gain a valuable understanding of where the industry began and how far it has come.
The Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005 (PSISA)
As a private investigator, the Private Security and Investigative Services Act is your code of conduct and legislates your responsibilities.
Students should study the Act and be aware of their duties and restrictions while working in the field to ensure they do not work outside any regulations and are following relevant laws.
Provincial and Federal Statutes
While you won’t be an officer of the law (peace officer), you will still be working within the federal and provincial statutes that relate to the industry.
There are certain regulations that you need to be aware of, and this lesson will outline them. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the statutes that apply to your role.
Criminal and Civil Law
Private investigators are expected to work under criminal and civil legislative and procedural requirements while abiding by the policies of their organization.
It can be difficult to balance all the regulations you need to work within, especially in a high-pressure position such as this.
This module will teach you how to achieve an optimal balance and be successful in your role.
Investigative Techniques
Investigations will be a significant part of your role.
You may be hired to follow a spouse suspected of being unfaithful or to track down the location of someone.
Whether you are hired to work on a civil or a criminal case, there is one thing you can be sure of: you will need analytical investigative skills to get the job done and professional conduct to ensure your work supports the legal case you are assisting with.
Research, surveillance, interviews, and the use of special equipment will all be covered.
We won’t just learn how to use these techniques — we will also show you when it’s appropriate to use them.
Principles of Ethical Reasoning and Decision-Making
As a private investigator, you will have to work on a wide range of cases that will require a working knowledge of legal human rights.
It may be hard to admit, but everyone has their personal biases. Having these biases is a part of human nature however you will have to work past them when conducting an investigation.
Our ethical reasoning and decision-making lesson will teach you about anti-discrimination, the Human Rights Commission, and how to avoid violations of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Key Principles of Communication and Interaction
Communication plays a large role in investigative work. Whether you are interviewing a suspect or speaking to witnesses, you will need to be able to effectively communicate with those around you and interpret their communicative and social cues.
This lesson will teach you all you need to know about tactical communication and interpersonal skills.
Self-Management Skills
Some private investigators choose to join a company when they become licensed and are ready to enter the workforce, while others may want to branch out.
Whatever you choose, it’s important to have self-management skills and to be able to regulate yourself.
This lesson will teach you how to assess your roles and responsibilities so that you’ll be able to work effectively in a team or individually.
Ontario Private Investigator FAQ
How long does it take to get PI license in Ontario?
A correctly completed online application can take u003cstrongu003eup to 10 business daysu003c/strongu003e to be processed and approved. After your application is approved, your new licence card will arrive by mail within eight weeks.
How much does a private investigator make in Ontario?
Salary can be fromu003cstrongu003e $50,000 per yearu003c/strongu003e.u003cbru003eu003cbru003eA typical Private Investigator's salary in Ontario for a new PI is u003cstrongu003e$50,000 per yearu003c/strongu003e. This can go up to $100,000 for an experienced Ontario Private Investigator who is known for accomplishing objectives constantly.
How long does it take to become a private investigator in Ontario?
The online course is 50 hours to become a Private Investigator in Ontario.
What are the skills needed for private investigators?
1 – Resourcefulnessu003cbru003e2 – Communication Skillsu003cbru003e3 – Tactfulnessu003cbru003e4 – Technology Skillsu003cbru003e5 – Analytical Mind u003cbru003e6 – Ability to keep information learned private
What are the most common cases for private investigators?
u003cstrongu003e7 Typical Examples Of Private Investigator Casesu003c/strongu003eu003cbru003eu003cbru003e1 – Divorce and Infidelity Investigationsu003cbru003e2 – Child Custody Disputesu003cbru003e3 – Finding Missing Loved Onesu003cbru003e4 – Serving Legal Papersu003cbru003e5 – Trial Preparationu003cbru003e6 – Social Media Investigationsu003cbru003e7 – Employee Background Investigations
Can a Private Investigator carry a gun in Ontario?
Security guards and private investigators may use equipment as a part of their duties if it is issued by their employer. They may carry u003cstrongu003ea firearm if they have a valid firearms licenceu003c/strongu003e.
Last Updated on Aug 25, 2024