Renew your security guard licence


The process to renew your security guard license is a simple procedure. It will vary from province to province but here are the steps that are required to renew your security guard licence.

Renew your security guard licence
  1. Undergo a police information and criminal record check.
  2. Complete any necessary paperwork required by the provincial registrar.
  3. Submit all paperwork and the necessary fees.
  4. Receive renewed license.

Obviously, this is a very streamlined list but the basics are the same for each province.

Some provinces allow you to renew online and some require actual paper documents. In Ontario, for example, you can renew your license online.

Provincial Guide to Renew Your Security Guard Licence

Renew Your Security Guard Licence – Ontario

You need the following information:

  • Ontario Testing Completion or licence number
  • The expiry date of your current licence
  • A new photo must be submitted every six years
  • Copies of 2 pieces of valid (non-expired) identification
  • Complete a declaration of convictions and outstanding charges
  • Consent to release of information to allow for confirmation of the provided information
  • The form to print and mail in along with the appropriate fee is located here

You may also apply online through ServiceOntario.

Requirements for an Ontario Security Guard licence can be found here.

Renew Your Security Guard Licence – British Columbia

Two months before the date the Registrar will advise you by email that it is time to renew your licence. This reminder is a courtesy and will be sent only if you have provided the Registrar with a current (non-business) email address.

You must submit the licence renewal form (PDF) before your licence expires otherwise you must apply as if it were a new licence and you will have to pay the new licence fee which is higher than the renewal fee.

You can also renew your security licence online.

Requirements for a BC Security Guard licence can be found here.

Renew Your Security Guard Licence – Alberta

Every applicant must undergo a police information and criminal record check at the time of application and every 2 years at the time of licence renewal. Checks are performed by the police services in the community where an applicant resides. Contact your local police service for hours of operation and fees.

Applicants should report to the police service closest to where they reside and bring 2 pieces of government-issued ID (at least one must be photo ID) and a colour passport-size photo (no more than 3 months old). Request an Employment Police Information Check and provide the photo for the signature of a police service representative. Individuals with police information check findings will be required to undergo further checks by the police service.

Ensure all forms are complete and supporting documents, photos and payment are attached when submitting an application. Incomplete applications will be returned, resulting in a delay in processing the application.

You can find the required form online to renew your security guard licence.

Requirements for an Alberta Security Guard licence can be found here.

Renew Your Security Guard Licence – Saskatchewan

The company that you are working for should look after the process to renew your security guard licence but it is your responsibility to ensure that your licence does not expire. You can not work with an expired licence.

If you renew BEFORE your licence expires then you do not have to get a criminal record check done. It is handled by the Private Investigators and Security Guards Program of the Saskatchewan government.

If you renew AFTER your licence expires then there is an extra fee to handle the criminal record check and this will delay the issuing of a new licence.

Requirements for a Saskatchewan Security Guard licence can be found here.

Renew Your Security Guard Licence – Manitoba

Temporary security guard licences may be issued to security guards who have not completed the mandatory training. These are only valid for 6 months and cannot be renewed.

Standard security guard and/or private investigator licences are valid for one year and must be renewed annually prior to expiry.

The expiry date of your licence is printed on the front of your licence card. It is your responsibility to renew your licence prior to the expiry date. It is recommended that you submit your renewal application and payment at least a month and a half in advance of the licence expiry. The individual licence renewal application form can be found here.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It is important to remember that other essential documents providing information tied to your licence may expire at a different time than your annual licence term. As the licence holder, you are responsible for keeping all of your related licensing documents up to date with the Private Investigators and Security Guards Program. This includes your criminal record check, child abuse registry check, and photographs.

If you allow your licence to expire or lapse you may no longer work as a security guard or private investigator, and must immediately return your licence to the Registrar. You may also be required to make a complete application re-submission. Failure to submit renewals for your criminal record check, child abuse registry check and photograph prior to their expiry may affect the status of your licence and you may also no longer be able to work as a security guard or private investigator.

It is an offence to work as a security guard or private investigator without a valid licence permitting you to do so.

Requirements for a Manitoba Security Guard licence can be found here.

Renew Your Security Guard Licence – Quebec

Your agent licence will be given to you for a period of 5 years. You must, therefore, submit a request to renew your licence every 5 years.

This request must be sent to us at least 45 days before the expiry date of your licence. We will send you a letter to remind you, and explain how to proceed with your request.

At the moment that you submit your request, you must pay the fees applicable at that time.

Requirements for a Quebec Security Guard licence can be found here.

Renew Your Security Guard Licence – Nova Scotia

Every license and renewal of a license expires on March 31 of each year unless suspended or revoked prior to expiry. Renewal notices are sent out to the company before the license expires.

You can download the necessary form.

Requirements for a Nova Scotia Security Guard licence can be found here.

Renew Your Security Guard Licence – New Brunswick

The necessary forms for renewal of your security guard licence are mailed automatically from the Justice and Public Safety ministry either one year or two years from your initial application based on the amount of time you paid for.

If you paid for a one-year licence then you will receive a renewal form before the end of that one-year period. If you paid for a two-year licence then you will receive the renewal forms at the end of that two-year period.

The same fees apply ($50 for one year or $100 for a two-year licence).

Requirements for a New Brunswick Security Guard licence can be found here.

Renew Your Security Guard Licence – Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward security guard licences expire on the anniversary of when it was issued and must be renewed before it expires. You can not work with an expired licence.

The necessary forms to renew your security guard licence are mailed to the company where you are licensed to work for a month before your licence is set to expire.

Requirements for a PEI Security Guard licence can be found here.

Renew Your Security Guard Licence – Newfoundland & Labrador

In order to renew your security guard licence in Newfoundland & Labrador, you need to complete the necessary form which can be found here.

Your licence will expire 12 months from the date of issue and the necessary forms will be sent to your employer.

The renewal application must be submitted to the Consumer Affairs Division within 30 days of the expiry date.

Requirements for a Newfoundland & Labrador Security Guard licence can be found here.

Last Updated on Jul 5, 2024

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