How To Prepare For Your Security Guard Interview In 2024
For anyone who has been on a job interview before, you know how nerve-racking the whole experience can be. However, with practice and a little planning on how to prepare for your security guard interview, you will feel more confident when you finally have that interview and have to face those security guard interview questions.
Interviews for security guard positions can be more challenging than a ‘normal’ job interview since the candidate (you) needs to demonstrate the following in the very short time you are in the room:
- You are reliable, trustworthy and responsible
- You are able to uphold the values of the company hiring you
Your interview can be much more than a simple one-on-one interview with the manager. Some security guard companies have a very complex hiring process that may include such steps as:
- Psychological profiling
- Reference checks
- Thorough criminal background checks
- Multiple interviews
- Licensing through various provinces
How To Prepare For Your Security Guard Interview
The interview process can be intimidating for first-time interviewees or those unfamiliar with the requirements of a security guard role. The next step is how to prepare for your security guard interview. To help we have compiled a list of interview tips.
1. Do Your Research
Once you have been given your interview appointment, it is important that you use this time wisely and consider the ways to prepare for your security guard interview. While these points may seem common sense to more experienced interviewees, you need to take the time to research the company website and social media channels. You should be able to answer the following questions after your research:
- Why did you apply for that company?
- What do you admire about the company?
While these may appear to be simple questions, you should prepare an answer once you have familiarized yourself with the company as you will be able to use this information in your interview.
2. Prepare Your Resume
Take the necessary time to tailor your resume for the security position you have applied for. Ensure it is up to date and reflects your most recent work experience. If there are gaps in your work experience, be prepared to explain this to the interviewer.
3. Prepare Your References
To show your interest in the position and demonstrate your organizational skills, come prepared with a list of three to four references. This way, if the interview is a success, then you are one step closer to being hired. It helps demonstrate that you are an organized, results-driven individual.
4. Dress the Part
Dress for the job you want! First impressions are everything and it just takes seconds for someone to form an opinion of you.
Appearances are important. You should avoid wearing:
- Sweat pants
- Sweatshirts
- Runners
- Flip flops, etc.
Instead, dress business smart:
- Dress pants
- Suits
- Skirt
- Blazer
- Dress, etc.
Dressing business smart will allow you to be taken seriously and will also help make a great first impression.
5. Show up on Time
If you are on time, you are late! As a good rule of thumb, you should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled interview time. This will allow ample time to find a parking spot and avoid feeling rushed and flustered before the interview begins.
6. Body Language
Actions speak louder than words! Do your best to be mindful of your body language and energy throughout the interview. Slouching and crossing arms will make you look disengaged while sitting up straight will have you looking attentive and interested. Be sure to always shake your interviewer’s hand and introduce yourself. This is a great sign of respect and professionalism.
7. Show Your Personality
Your interview is your time to shine! Be positive and ensure your personality is conveyed during the interview. Sometimes nerves can get the best of us, so remember to:
- Take a breath before answering a question
- Pause to take your time whenever you may need
8. Typical security guard interview questions

Here is a list of typical interview questions that as a job candidate you should be prepared to answer:
- What one skill makes you the most qualified for this position?
- To date, what professional achievement are you most proud of?
- Can you tell me about a time when you overcame a challenge?
- How would you describe your own working style?
- What three words would you use to describe your ideal work environment?
- Why are you leaving your current employer?
- What one skill would you like to improve and what’s your plan for doing so?
- What excites you most about this position?
- What do you like to do outside of work?
9. Ask Questions
Now it is your turn to ask the questions! Prepare a list of questions you may have after conducting your research mentioned above. Perhaps it is regarding benefits, corporate culture, scheduling, or charity initiatives. Always take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions during an interview.
We have compiled a list of questions that you may be interested in asking:
- Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?
- What do you think are the most important qualities for someone to excel in this role?
- Describe the culture of the company.
- Who do you consider your top competitor, and why?
- What do you like best about working for this company?
- What is the typical career path for someone in this role?
- What are the next steps in the interview process?
We hope that you find the above article helpful on how to prepare for your security guard interview. You may also find this post from helpful.
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Last Updated on Jul 5, 2024